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DiCentral Corporation, headquartered in Houston, Texas, US, is pioneered Software as a Service (SaaS) provider and the preferred E-Commerce solutions enabling buyers, suppliers and logistics providers to seamlessly exchange data. DiCentral offers solutions for electronic commerce, electronic data interchange, data integration and supply chain management.
Our products are highly versatile, flexible and reliable, providing thousands of businesses with a competitive advantage in the marketplace. DiCentral in Hong Kong and China were established on 2008 servicing the customers in Asia Pacific region. Further information please refer to www.dicentral.com and www.dicentral.cn
从江县| 鸡西市| 即墨市| 平罗县| 汝南县| 那坡县| 潮州市| 政和县| 唐河县| 叶城县| 漳州市| 兰坪| 水富县| 钟山县| 英吉沙县| 井冈山市| 武义县| 浏阳市| 唐山市| 南京市| 朝阳区| 黄山市| 达日县| 桃园县| 逊克县| 盈江县| 衡南县| 娱乐| 荣成市| 札达县| 广西| 冀州市| 宽甸| 犍为县| 申扎县| 静宁县| 北川| 景德镇市| 张掖市| 闸北区| 广丰县|