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Founded in 1966 by Mr. Pierre Bellon,and set up its global headquarters in Paris,France.

Today, with more than 40 years rich experience and successful operations in the five continents, Sodexo has become the largest multinationa corporation in catering and facility managemnt field around the world. As a global Fortune 500 company with more than 342,000 employee, Sodexo has established more than 29,000 contract operations in 80 countries by the end of 2007.

In1995,Sodexo was the first international catering and facility management company to launch its business in Mainland China.

Today with more than 15,000 employees,Sodexo has set up business in 30 cities, Beijing, Tanjing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Qingdao, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou ,Shenzhen, Xiamen, Wuhan as well as Hong Kong. Sodexo has always been committed to providing world-class professional total support services, training top talents, delivering the best client offering, and more importantly contributing to the social and economic development in China.

Sodexo business scope covers catering and facility management services for business corporationgs, government, landscapes, schools, and hospitals, etc.

With fast growth and development in China, Sodexho cordially invites talents to join us.
宝山区| 黔西| 饶阳县| 正宁县| 尉犁县| 崇州市| 丹江口市| 南康市| 黄山市| 邻水| 垫江县| 宁明县| 天祝| 突泉县| 启东市| 阿拉尔市| 宿州市| 贵定县| 泸定县| 贡嘎县| 邢台市| 陆川县| 方城县| 旅游| 阳西县| 平远县| 左云县| 台南市| 驻马店市| 大余县| 哈密市| 隆林| 京山县| 库车县| 曲阳县| 西林县| 曲松县| 通化县| 印江| 宽城| 仪征市|