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Located in the Qianhai Co-operation Zone, Harrow International School, Shenzhen Qianhai (HIS Shenzhen) covers an area of 14,700 sqm, providing world class international curriculum.HIS Shenzhen is designed to cater to a capacity of over 900 students with outstanding facilities for Early Years to the Sixth Form with boarding. The campus connects Harrow School's Values with Qianhai's spirit.The campus provides a holistic approach to education, with sports and leisure areas, library and break out spaces, and canteens and lecture halls, allowing students to flow easily between the various teaching and activities areas, in order to learn, collaborate and socialise freely.The campus will connect Harrow’s values with Qianhai’s spirit. As an inner-city site, the school will adopt the concept of ‘land sharing’, with a lawn area where the main sports grounds and outdoor activity spaces are located, ensuring the whole campus will have a vibrant atmosphere. The British garden landscaping is inspired by the setting of ‘Harrow on the Hill’. The campus is designed for the requirements of a holistic education, with sports and leisure areas, library and break out spaces, and canteens and lecture halls that allows students to flow easily between the various teaching and activities areas, enabling them to learn, collaborate and socialise freely.HIS Shenzhen has started in September 2020, accepting students from Early Years to The Sixth Form (age sixteen to eighteen). Harrow is committed to the safeguarding of children. All employees are expected to comply with our School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. For safeguarding policy please go to https://career.aisl-edu.com
怀来县| 子长县| 西峡县| 垫江县| 古交市| 武强县| 汝阳县| 电白县| 桐乡市| 滦南县| 延川县| 安仁县| 安福县| 元谋县| 福鼎市| 清苑县| 浦县| 双桥区| 连云港市| 康保县| 静安区| 木里| 清新县| 夏河县| 锦屏县| 寿光市| 天水市| 钦州市| 扎囊县| 沁源县| 江山市| 扬州市| 景德镇市| 理塘县| 满洲里市| 阿拉善左旗| 英超| 郑州市| 阳谷县| 原阳县| 都昌县|