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作為黃浦區(qū)的民辦雙語學校,上??档碌玫搅它S浦區(qū)政府的全力支持,在遵循黃浦區(qū)教育局制定的教育方針指導下,立志做好國際化教育。 上??档码p語實驗學校將始終以服務并促進學生發(fā)展為辦學之根本,致力于學術立校,彰顯雙語教育的文化融通特色,以“和、信、義”主流價值導向培養(yǎng)學生核心素養(yǎng)。深耕于教育,立足于本土,著眼于世界,以引領上海乃至中國國際化教育為己任,把學校辦成有包容性文化、專業(yè)化學術、能激發(fā)個人創(chuàng)造力的高品質(zhì)、高水平民辦國際化學校。 Shanghai Concord Bilingual School (SCBS) is a bilingual private school in Huangpu District. Shanghai Concord enjoys the full support of the Huangpu District Government and adheres to the educational policies stipulated by the Huangpu District Education Bureau, but within an internationalized context. Shanghai Concord Bilingual School (SCBS) will therefore closely monitor the development of its students, both academically and pastorally, in an environment that seeks to develop the strong moral code based on its core values of “harmony, trust and decency”. Our goal is to become the premier internationalized school in China by developing a school with an inclusive culture, renowned for its student’s academic excellence and individual creativity.
宜春市| 江都市| 三穗县| 澜沧| 安庆市| 游戏| 井研县| 建湖县| 南华县| 剑阁县| 神农架林区| 漳浦县| 沽源县| 东丽区| 潼关县| 应用必备| 元朗区| 博白县| 云梦县| 常熟市| 湘乡市| 大田县| 清涧县| 杭锦旗| 凤山县| 武义县| 墨竹工卡县| 凤山市| 天门市| 乳山市| 浦县| 临沧市| 台安县| 涞水县| 盐边县| 嵊泗县| 株洲市| 若尔盖县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 高淳县| 汶上县|