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We are a novel drug R&D company focusing on discovering, developing and commercializing innovative therapeutics in oncology and autoimmune diseases. With a team of around 250 scientists and staff, our pipeline is comprised of novel oral compounds for cancer and inflammation in development in North America, Europe, Australia and China.

These products include a novel oral therapy for inflammatory bowel disease which is Phase III in the US & Europe; a novel oral selective c-Met inhibitor in phase II in Australia, China & the United States; four differentiated oral NCEs in oncology in Phase I & Phase II in China; and one oral NCE for inflammation in Phase I in Australia. Multiple NCEs are also in preclinical development.

After founding the company in 2002, we have built one of the largest and most experienced new drug R&D teams in China. We are led by a strong senior management team, all of whom have many years of experience succeeding at large US pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Our strategic partnerships have involved global, innovative companies such as AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Merck Serono and Nestlé Health Science in both oncology and inflammation.




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