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Porsche Consulting is a 100% subsidiary of the famous sports car manufacturer Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart/Germany. At Porsche Consulting, we provide management consultancy all over the world. We realize more than 70 percent of our revenue with external clients from a wide range of industries and 30 percent with Porsche and Volkswagen. In Germany’s largest survey of consultancies, 1,500 top managers ranked Porsche Consulting number 1.

Our core mission is to create sustainable competitive advantage for our clients through superior operating performance and the ability to respond flexibly and quickly to changes. We enable our clients to achieve operational excellence through the unique combination of concepts, implementation, people and technology in tandem with tried and tested methods.
績效獎金 帶薪年假 通訊津貼 定期體檢 彈性工作 扁平管理 管理規(guī)范 技能培訓 崗位晉升 五險一金 外派津貼 團隊聚餐 500強 子女福利
马关县| 阳城县| 庆安县| 天气| 清苑县| 民和| 彰武县| 高清| 阿拉尔市| 兖州市| 溧水县| 泰兴市| 湖南省| 伊宁市| 红河县| 桦甸市| 曲阜市| 鄂托克旗| 石城县| 临泽县| 金溪县| 石城县| 商南县| 双峰县| 冀州市| 翁源县| 深圳市| 北流市| 陆良县| 湟中县| 隆子县| 曲周县| 集安市| 浮山县| 兴文县| 衡南县| 婺源县| 米脂县| 漠河县| 雅安市| 巫山县|