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The Company:
IBA is at the forefront of technology in the fight against cancer!
IBA delivers solutions of a unique precision in the fields of cancer diagnosis and therapy. In no more than 20 years we have developed unrivalled expertise in the design and installation of cyclotrons, and in the production and distribution of radiopharmaceutical tracers, used every day in hospitals around the world to quickly and accurately detect cancer, neurological and cardiac diseases.
In the field of cancer therapy we have developed radiotherapy solutions and dosimetry equipment to treat cancer with the greatest accuracy.
Finally, we also design electron accelerators and high power X-Ray solutions used in many industries to sterilize medical devices, to cold pasteurize food products and to improve polymer properties.
阿图什市| 抚顺市| 淮南市| 长丰县| 南涧| 都昌县| 南华县| 东城区| 和田市| 疏附县| 保靖县| 兰考县| 加查县| 怀柔区| 沧源| 高邑县| 舟曲县| 察雅县| 屯门区| 菏泽市| 通化县| 牙克石市| 泽州县| 罗定市| 诏安县| 马尔康县| 石屏县| 邹城市| 遵化市| 茂名市| 宁强县| 乾安县| 德惠市| 泌阳县| 临颍县| 雅安市| 定远县| 郯城县| 德令哈市| 海阳市| 灵川县|