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Beintoo is a mobile Technology Companyestablished in Italy. Beintoo hasoffices in Milan, New York, London and now Shanghai. Since Beintoo’s inception in2011, we have worked with some of the worlds best known brands and media agencieson initiatives covering the US, Europe and Asia

We focus on 3 keyareas: Mobile Strategy Development,Mobile Campaign Management and BeClub, our amazing Mobile Loyalty EngagementPlatform

Mobile Strategy Development

Beintoo ischanging the way brands engage with their customers. We create more engagingand more rewarding experiences for mobile users around the world.

Our partnersbenefit from powerful marketing initiatives run on our innovative BeClubplatform and through our award winning campaigns.

Mobile Campaign Management

We provide a series ofcutting-edge mobile performance advertising solutions to agencies and directclients. We work with our clients andagencies to build an audience, and view and engage with their products via oursuite of innovative campaigns. Based onour client’s marketing goals, our team of dedicated specialists can develop,manage and optimize their campaigns.

At Beintoo, we’re proud toguide our clients in the design and implementation of effective mobileengagement strategies. Our in-house team of experts, specializing in gamificationlogics, technology, loyalty and product design work to deliverstrategic, integrated and well-designed mobile experiences.

We aim to surprise and delightmobile users while helping to boost the clients’ customer acquisition andmonetization strategy.

BeClub – Beintoo’s Mobile Engagement Platform

BeClub members arerewarded for engaging with brands and apps they love.

Brands can capture the imaginationof millions of mobile users by distributing gamified brand experiences acrosspopular apps.
The BeClub can help App publishers to rewarduser activity, increase revenues and grow their user-base.

website: www.beclub.com
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