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上海市 | 大專 | 10年以上

工作地點:上海市 所屬部門:銷售事業(yè)部
職位類別:銷售總監(jiān) 招聘人數(shù):1 人

To organize the formulation and implementation of the companys annual sales plan.
?According to the companys long-term strategy and short-term goals, organizing the formulation of the annual sales target and implementation plan.
?According to the overall ****ives of the company, arrange the annual sales target in all area, and communicate with each Regional Manager annually.
?Audit the task decomposition, regional sales management and strategy implementation plan, establish regional annual sales plan. In all region.
?To organize the formulation of the annual (quarter) marketing plan, strengthening the dealer management, price management.
?To organize the formulation of the annual (quarter) marketing plan.
?To organize the formulation of the sales price policy.
?Audit large marketing plan and promotion plan.
?Make market research (mapping) information perfect, analysis target customer, **** the target market or target customer according to market strategy or positioning
?Lead all region sales manager carry out the budget management and market promotion, sales, service.
?Direct region manager to distribute resource to achieve the sales target, according to the sales index and budget in all region.
?Lead region sales manager form, modify the sales plan in area, to ensure the achievement of sales goal.
?Lead region sales manager to distribute the resource in all direction, to achieve all steps goals.
?Responsible for maintenance of VIP, organize the public relation activities, maintain the relation with customer.
?Assist of large negotiation, awarding contracts in every region.
?Harmonize the relation between sales support department, example logistics, technique, customer service.
?Responsible for the organization and administration of wholesale department.
?Organize, form and improve the management system of wholesales department.
?Responsible for the formation, recruitment, ****ion, training, departure, developing staff of the wholesales team.
?Control the budget of wholesales department, make the running cost equitable.

學(xué)歷要求:大專 工作經(jīng)驗:10年以上
年齡要求:45-35歲 性別要求:不限
公司性質(zhì):外商獨資 公司規(guī)模:100-499人


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