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無錫市 | 本科 | 5-10年

工作地點:無錫市 所屬部門:質(zhì)量部
職位類別:品質(zhì)保證/質(zhì)量控制經(jīng)理 招聘人數(shù):1 人

What are my responsibilities?
- Building & maintain the Quality and EHS Mgmt. System. Ensure it is conforming to ISO 9001, ISO14001&OHSAS18001
- Ensure a safe, secure working enviroment in SGTP and environmental protection.
- Be prepared for disaster and emergency situations and manage them professionally
1. As QEHS management representative, plan and monitor QEHS activities to make sure the system available and legal with related laws and regulations.
2. Plan and support manufacturing in the reduction an elimination of "cost of poor quality"
3. Lead the Quality team of CMM Department, Laboratory, NDT department and QC department for the day-to-day quality control of all SGTP product.
- Lead EHS team to implement daily work to follow Siemens EHS management.
4. Provide regular reports:
1). Stability of manufacturing processes (using Six Sigma Methodology)
2). Non conformance statistics
3). Quality of incoming, processes and outgoing inspection
4). Status and plan of "Product and Process Qualification" (PPQ)
5.) Customer feedback (exe, quality scorecard)
6). EHS report for SLC and energy sector.
4. Support and document the QEHS Improvement Systems for all departments.
5. Train and educate the Quality deparment employees in all relevant quality tools.
6. Ensure that all QEHS systems procedures for SGTP are adheared to.
7. Organize and manage internal and external QEHS audit.

What do I need to qualify for this job?
- At least 5 years of working experience (post-college) in a manufacturing environment
- Preferably in the metals industry or turbine industry
- Experience with quality processes of the automotive industry (Six Sigma) is preferred
- Systematical approach to problem solving

學(xué)歷要求:本科 工作經(jīng)驗:5-10年
年齡要求:45-29歲 性別要求:不限
公司性質(zhì):外商獨資 公司規(guī)模:1000-9999人


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