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添加時間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
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  this contract for project of installing main engine is made on_________, by and between _________ company ltd. (here- inafter called party a) and _________ company ltd. (hereinaftercalled party b).
  1.name of installation work: _________.
  2.location of installation work: party a's_________in port a.
  3.scope of installation work: as specified in the drawingsand statement attached.
  4.time limit for completion:
  the installation work shall cordinate with the construction of _________ in party a, and shall be completed, including thetrial run for _________, within _________days after the completion of _________.
  5.total price of installation work:_________u.s. d only.
  6.payment terms of installation work:
  first installment:
  party a shall pay to party b fifteen percent of the total pricefor installation work, i.e._________u.s.d only, when thiscontract comes into effect.
  second installment:
  party a shall pay to party b fifteen percent of the total pricefor instalatiorn work, i.e_________u. s. d. only, at the commencement of construction installation.
  third installment:
  party a shall pay to party b ten percent of the total pricefor installation work, i.e._________u. s. d. only, duringthe installation of pipes.
  fourth installment:
  party a shall pay to party b forty percent of the total pricefor installation work, i.e._________u. s. d. only, at thetime when the main equipment arrives at the site.
  fifth installment:
  party a shall pay to party b ten percent of the total pricefor installation work,i.e._________u. s. d. only, upon comple - tion of the installation work.
  sixth installment:
  party a shall pay to party b ten percent of the difference of the price for installation work, i.e._________u. s. d. only, after the work received has been proved qualified.
  7.penalty for default:
  in the event party b shall fail to complete the work in timeowing to reasons that party b shall be held liable, party b shallpay a penahy for such defauh based on one out of a thousand of the total price for installation work per day , i.e._________u.s.d, only for each day of such default.
  8.increase or decrease of work:
  in case party a has to amend,increase or decrease the working schedule, the corresponding increase or decrease of total priceshall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions betweenthe two parties, should the work be increased, the parties shallenter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items. should any part of the completed work of any part of the materi - als transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amend - ment made by party a, party a shall, after having received thework, pay for each completed work or materials abandoned as perthe unit price specified to party b.
  9.supervision for progress:
  the supervision personnel appointed by party a and its rep - resentative shall have the authority to supervise the progress or'work and give instruction. party b shall perform correctly in ac - cordance with such instruction given by party a's personnel orrepresentative.
  10.stopage work:
  should party a notify party b to stop the work for reasonsbeyond the responsibility of party b, party b can stop the workand claim from   party a the price of finished work, materials atsite and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted fromthe paid installments.
  11.custody of work:
  the completed work and the materials, tools, and equipment at site shall be under the custody of party b after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work. unless in the event of force majeure, party b shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of party b. in case of force majeure, party b shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date forrecovery from such damage to party a for checking and payment.should party a decide not to continue with the work, thiscontract shall be terminated according to article 10 hereof.
  12.warranty for work.
  party b shall warrant the promised condition of the work within _________ year(s) after the date of receiving the work by party a. however, party b shall not be liable to acts of god or misuse of the work by party a.
  13.supplemental provisions:
  party b shall be held responsible if party a's personnel or other people is injured due to the negligence of party b duringthe progress of construction. however, such responsibility shallrest upon party a if the injury caused is due to the negligence of party a of technicians contracted with party a.
  14.attachments :
  attachments shall become an integral part of this contractand shall be as effective as any other provisions. attachments include:
 ?。?) drawings
 ?。?) an estimate of cost.
  15.format of this contract:
  the contract shall be in duplicate with two texts to be heldseparately by the parties hereof. each of the parties shall alsokeep two copies of the contract for record.
  16.additional provision :
  maintenace of main engine.
  party b shall provide free periodic maintenance service forthe main engine of _________ for _________ year(s) after the receiving of the work by party a and send maintenance personnel every _________month(s) for performing maintenance.
  this contract has been executed by the parties as of the day and year first above written.
  party a:_________           party b:_________
  by:______________             by:_____________
  address:_________           address:_________
  date:____________           date:____________ 
汽车| 文成县| 红原县| 天柱县| 嘉黎县| 资源县| 新竹县| 双鸭山市| 启东市| 厦门市| 新竹县| 连云港市| 香格里拉县| 贵南县| 莲花县| 龙海市| 洮南市| 乌海市| 紫阳县| 中江县| 察隅县| 吉林市| 阿尔山市| 新绛县| 淮阳县| 南皮县| 辉南县| 枣庄市| 巩留县| 苗栗市| 铅山县| 翁牛特旗| 蒙阴县| 六安市| 密山市| 安化县| 湘西| 兴海县| 武川县| 裕民县| 南安市|