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  借款人(以下簡稱甲方):borrower (hereinafter called party a):  身份證件名稱及號碼:id name and code no: id card number  住所:address of living place:  聯(lián)系電話:post code: 郵編:contact number:  貸款人(以下簡稱乙方):lender (hereinafter called party b):  住所:address of living place:  聯(lián)系電話:post code: 郵編:contact number:  抵押人:mortgager:  身份證件名稱及號碼:id name and code no: id card number  住所:address of living place:  聯(lián)系電話:post code: 郵編:contact number:  出質人:pledger:  身份證件名稱及號碼:id name and code no: id card number  住所:address of living place:  聯(lián)系電話:post code: 郵編:contact number:  保證人:guarantor:  身份證件名稱及號碼:id name and code no: id card number  住所:address of living place:  聯(lián)系電話:post code: 郵編:contact number:  根據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法和擔保法的相關規(guī)定,甲方、乙方和擔保方經(jīng)過協(xié)商,就乙方向甲方貸款事宜達成如下合同條款?! ccording to the relevant laws and regulations of the contract laws and  guarantee law of the people’s republic of china, party a, party b and the  relevant guarantor, after reaching agreement through negotiations on the loan to party b by party a, hereby enter into this contract.  第一條 借款金額article 1 amount of loan  詳見本合同第十四條第一款?! ?.1 the amount of loan is referred to article 14.1 under this contract.  第二條 借款用途article 2 purpose of loan  詳見本合同第十四條第二款?! ?.1 purpose of loan for this contract is referred to article 15.2.  第三條 借款利率article 3 interest of loan  一、借款利率詳見本合同第十四條第三款?! ?.1 interest of loan is referred to article 14.3. the interest is calculated from the day releasing loan.  二、本合同履行期間,遇中國人民銀行貸款利率調整,借款利率按有關規(guī)定調整與執(zhí)行,乙方將在營業(yè)場所對貸款利率調整情況進行公告,不再另行書面通知甲方?! ?.2 during the term of this loan contract, interest may be changed as prescribed by the people’s bank of china, party b is entitled to adjust and implement the interest rate without further notice to party a.  第四條 借款期限及還款總期數(shù)  article 4 life of loan and total loan repayment terms  一、 借款期限詳見本合同第十四條第四款?! ?.1 life of loan and total loan repayment terms are referred to article 14.4.  二、實際借款發(fā)放日與本合同約定的日期不一致時,以實際借款發(fā)放日為準計算借款期限?! ?.2 in the event that the actual funds release date is in disagreement with the  date stipulated under this contract, the life of loan shall be calculated based on  the actual day of funds releasing.  三、甲、乙雙方約定甲方按期還款,確定還款總期數(shù),詳見本合同第十四條第四款?! 〉谖鍡l 借款發(fā)放article 5 release of funds under the loan  一、乙方發(fā)放借款的前提是甲方提供了符合乙方要求的證明材料,履行了乙方要求的申請借款和擔保手續(xù),簽署了申請借款所需法律文件并經(jīng)乙方審查同意?! ?.1 party b will release the funds under condition that party a has provided  evidences complying with requirements of party b, and has completed the loan applying and guaranteeing procedures, and has signed the legal documents with check and approval of party b.  二、甲方授權乙方在審查同意后,將借款直接劃入甲方指定并經(jīng)乙方認可的賬戶(賬戶名稱、賬號詳見第十四條第五款),即為乙方依約履行了向甲方提供借款的義務?! ?.2 after funds release is approved, party a will grant party b to transfer the loan into the account designated by party a and approved by party b (account name and account no. are given under article 14.5).  三、本合同項下的借款發(fā)放后,甲方就所購商品或服務發(fā)生的任何糾紛,均與乙方無關,本合同應正常履行?! ?.3 after releasing of the loan, any disputes under the use of funds under this loan by party a has no relationship with party b, and the contract will still be fulfilled.  第六條 借款償還article 6 repayment of the loan  一、 甲方應根據(jù)乙方相關貸款辦法規(guī)定,在下述四種還款方式中選擇一種方式歸還借款本息,甲方選擇的還款方式詳見本合同第十四條第六款:  6.1 party a, based on relevant regulations of party b, shall select ways of interest calculation, interest settlement and loan principal repayment under article 14.6.  二、甲方應當于乙方規(guī)定的每期還款日(詳見第十四條第六款)前,將當期應償還的借款本息及逾期的罰息、復利等足額存入在乙方開立的還款賬戶(賬戶名稱及賬號見第十四條第六款),并不可撤銷地授權乙方于當期還款日直接從該賬戶劃收應收款項?! ?.2 the party a shall pay off the principal, interest and other items in full prior  to the stipulated due repayment day under this contract (details under article  15.6), by depositing one of any repayment account opened by party b (account name and account no. are given in article 14.6), and irrevocably authorizes party b to draw the funds receivable directly from the account above on the due repayment day.  三、甲、乙雙方同意遵循先還息后還本的原則,乙方按照“期前逾期本息、罰息和復利—當期利息—本金”的順序扣劃甲方還入款項。甲方違反本合同約定,逾期或未按約定的金額歸還借款本息,乙方有權按照人民銀行的規(guī)定對逾期借款加收罰息。甲方逾期或未按約定的金額償還借款利息時,乙方有權按人民銀行的規(guī)定對甲方未支付的利息計收復利?! ?.3 in case party a breaches the contract, failing to repay the funds on due  date or failing to pay funds in full, party b has the right to charge higher interest  rate on overdue loans as prescribed by the people??s bank of china(penalty interest rate on overdue loan is stipulated under article 15.6). in case that party a fails to use the funds for the agreed purposed under this contract, party b has the right to charge penalty interest rate on overdue loans as prescribed by the people’s bank of china (penalty interest rate on misappropriation of loan is stipulated under article 15.6). for overdue loan or loan of misappropriate use, party b shall calculate the interest rate based on penalty interest rate from the day of overdue loan or misappropriate use of loan till the principal and interest are paid off. if party a fails to pay off the interest on due date, party b shall calculate compound interest based on penalty interest rate.  第七條 提前還款article 7 repayment in advance  甲方如欲提前還款,應于擬提前還款日前三十日將提前還款申請書及還款計劃以書面形式提交乙方,經(jīng)乙方審核同意后即為不可撤銷。甲方經(jīng)乙方審核確認甲方未有拖欠借款本息及已還清當期本息后方可提前還款。提前還款日前已計收的利息不作調整?! √崆斑€款,乙方有權按提前還款金額的 %計收損失補償金?! ?.1 if party a is able to pay off the loan ahead of time, it shall submit to party b the irrevocable loan repayment application and repayment plan. after checking  and confirming that party a has no delay of loan principal and interest and has  paid off the current interest, party b will approval the repayment ahead application, then party a can repay the loan in advance.  the interest repayable before repayment-in-advance day shall not be adjusted.  第八條 借款擔保article 8 guarantee of loan  本合同項下的擔保條款的效力獨立于本合同。甲方對借款提供的擔??蛇x擇如下方式,詳見本合同第十四條第八款?! ?.1 the effectiveness of guarantee terms under this contract is independent of  this contract. the guarantee type for the loan is specified in article 15.8.  一、抵押擔保mortgage guarantee  (一)抵押人自愿將本合同附件一“抵押物清單”所列明的財產(chǎn)(以下簡稱抵押物)抵押給乙方,作為甲方償還本合同項下借款的擔保?! ?.4.1 the mortgager voluntarily mortgages the property in guaranty list-the  attachment a of this contract, and agrees to be restricted by this contract.  (二)本合同抵押物的共有權人同意將本合同項下的抵押物作抵押,并同意受本合同約束  8.4.2 the co-owner of the mortgaged property under this contract agrees to  mortgage the property and be restricted by this contract.  (三)抵押擔保范圍:scope of guarantee  1.本合同項下的借款本金、利息(含復利)、罰息;  8.3.1 the principal of loan, interest (including compound interest), penalty interest under this contract;  2.違約金、賠償金、補償金;8.3.2 penalty, compensation, reimbursement;  3.為實現(xiàn)債權和抵押權而支付的費用(包括但不限于因違約方產(chǎn)生的律師費、抵押物處置費)?! ?.3.3 expenses arising from realization of liability and guarantee right(including,  but not limited to attorneys' fees, assessment fee, auction fee, law suit fee,  all-risk fee, travel expense etc.).  (四)抵押人必須依照法律規(guī)定辦理抵押物的登記手續(xù)。抵押人向乙方提供該抵押物的所有權證明文件及有關資料,抵押登記證明文件正本交乙方保管?! ?.4 the mortgager shall complete the registration of mortgaged property based on laws and regulations. the mortgager shall take on the fees for the mortgaged property. the mortgager shall provide to the party b the evidence documents and relevant materials of ownership of the guaranty, and the original of mortgage registration certificate shall be kept by party b.  (五)出現(xiàn)下列情形之一,乙方可以行使抵押權:  8.4 party b can exercise the mortgage right in case one of following situations happens:  1.甲方債務履行期限屆滿,乙方未受清償或未受完全清償?shù)?  (1) party a fails to repay the due loan payable and/or other items payable  based on this contract;  2.甲方違反本合同的約定,乙方宣布提前收回借款,乙方未受清償或未受完全清償?shù)?  (2) party breaches the contract, party b claims to take back the loan in advance, and party b fails to be paid off or not fully paid off;  3.抵押人違反本合同的約定,擅自處分抵押物,或實施足以使抵押物價值減少的行為,乙方要求抵押人恢復原狀或者提供擔保遭拒絕,乙方可以提前行使抵押權?! ?3) the mortgager breaches the contract by disposing the guaranty, or implements action enough to decrease the value of guaranty, and party b is refused of restoring the guaranty to original value or providing guarantee, party b can exercise the mortgage right in advance.  (六)乙方可選擇下列方式之一實現(xiàn)抵押權:  party b can select any one of the following ways to realize the mortgage right:  1.與抵押人協(xié)議以抵押物折價受償;  (1) discount of mortgage in agreement with mortgager;  2.拍賣受償;(2) auction of guaranty;  3.變賣受償;(3) sale of mortgage;  4.法律允許的其他方式。(4) other ways allowed by law.  (七)抵押人應向乙方提供抵押物的權利證書及其他有效證明文件和相應資料,經(jīng)乙方確認后,由乙方保管?! he mortgager shall provide to party b the ownership certificate and other valid certification documents and relevant materials, after confirmation of party b, all documentation aforementioned shall be kept by party b.  (八)甲方還清全部貸款本息及其它應付款項,并履行了本合同的全部條款,則抵押關系終止?! nder condition that party a pays off the total loan principal and interest,  and in fulfillment of all items under this contract, the mortgage relationship  shall terminate.  (九)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押人應將其所知道或應當知道的對抵押權產(chǎn)生或可能產(chǎn)生不利影響的情況及時書面通知乙方?! ithin the period of mortgage, the mortgager shall inform the party b in a  written way all situations he knows or should know that have produced or may  produce adverse impact on the guaranty  (十)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押人對抵押物應當妥善保管;負有維修、保養(yǎng)、保持抵押物完整無損的義務并隨時接受乙方的監(jiān)督與檢查?! ithin the period of mortgage, the entire guaranty shall be taken good  care of by the mortgager, who as well responsible for repair and maintenance  to make sure that the guaranty is all preserved well, and subject himself to the  supervision and inspection from party b at any time.  (十一)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押人的行為足以使抵押物價值減少時,乙方有權要求抵押人停止該行為,并要求抵押人在十日內恢復抵押物的價值或者提供與減少價值相當?shù)膿?。  within the period of mortgage, should any decreases happen owing to the action of mortgager, party b has the right to request the mortgager to stop the action and restore the value or provide guaranty worth the equal value of the decreases within ten(10) days.  (十二)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押人可以將抵押物出借、(在抵押行為成立后)出租;抵押人在從事上述行為前,均需及時通知貸款人,若上述行為影響債權安全,貸款人有權要求抵押人禁止實施上述行為。未經(jīng)乙方書面同意,甲方不得轉讓、變更、贈與抵押物。  within the period of mortgage, without any written approval from party b,  the mortgager shall have no right to dispose the guaranty (disposing way  includes, but not limited to, transferring, renting, selling, donating the  guaranty).  (十三)抵押權存續(xù)期間,經(jīng)乙方同意的抵押物轉讓所得價款,應提前清償本合同項下的債務或轉為定期存款質押?! ?.4.12 within the period of mortgage, any money got by transferring the guaranty based on the approval of party b shall be used for paying off the loan ahead of schedule or changed to fixed deposit for guarantee.  (十四)抵押人應當按照乙方的要求購買抵押財產(chǎn)等保險并以乙方為優(yōu)先受償人,且不得約定任何有損乙方權益的條款。保險期限應長于借款期限,如本合同借款展期,抵押人同意繼續(xù)辦理抵押物延長投保的手續(xù)。保險單和續(xù)保單正本由乙方保管。如抵押人拒絕辦理續(xù)保手續(xù),乙方可以代替抵押人直接辦理續(xù)保手續(xù),續(xù)保費用由抵押人承擔。  as per the requests of party b, the mortgager shall give an insurance  upon his guaranty, and party b should be the insured enjoying right of exclusive and being paid off with priority/ primary beneficiary, and no items against benefits of party b shall be specified. the insurance term shall be longer than loan term under this contract. if term of loan under this contract is extended, the mortgager shall agree on the renewal insurance for the guaranty. the originals of insurance policy and renewal order shall be kept by party b. if mortgager refuses extending the insurance term, party b has the right to deal with insurance term extending instead of mortgager, and the renewal insurance cost shall be taken on by the mortgager. should any losses caused by refusal of insurance or renewal insurance, or failing to pay for the insurance from mortgager, the mortgager shall take on them.  (十五)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押人不得中斷或者撤銷上述保險。  within the period of mortgage, the mortgager shall not discontinue or  cancel the abovementioned insurance.  (十六)抵押權存續(xù)期間,抵押物發(fā)生保險事故,保險賠償金應當用于提前清償本合同項下的債務?! ithin the period of mortgage, should any accident happens to the guaranty, insurance compensation should be used for paying off the loan under this contract ahead of schedule with priority.  (十七)乙方與甲方變更本合同(包括但不限于借款金額、期限、利率、結息方式、還款方式,還款期數(shù)、每期還款額),只要不加重抵押人的責任,無須征得抵押人同意,抵押人仍承擔擔保責任?! hen party b and party a change the contract (including, but not limited to, amount of loan, term of loan, interest rate, type of interest settlement, type of repayment, period of repayment, repayment amount for each period), the mortgager is no need to be notified if responsibility of mortgager is not increased accordingly, and the mortgager is still bear the responsibility of guarantee.  二、質押擔保pledge guarantee  (一)出質人自愿將本合同附件二“質押物清單”所列明的動產(chǎn)/權利(以下簡稱質物)質押給乙方,作為甲方償還本合同項下借款的擔保?! he pledger voluntarily pledges the movable assets/rights in pledges list-attachment b of this contract, and agrees to be restricted by this contract.  (二)本合同質物的共有權人同意將本合同項下的質物作質押,并同意受本合同約束。  the co-owner of the pledges under this contract agrees on pledging and be restricted by this contract.  (四)出現(xiàn)下列情形之一,乙方可以行使質權:  party can exercise the pledge right in case one of following situations  happens:  1.甲方債務履行期限屆滿,乙方未受清償或未受完全清償?shù)?  party a fails to repay the due loan payable and/or other items payable based on this contract;  2.乙方根據(jù)本合同的約定,提前收回借款,乙方未受清償或未受完全清償?shù)?  party breaches the contract, party b claims to take back the loan in advance, and party b fails to be paid off or not fully paid off;  3.質物價值減少,出質人未按照乙方要求提供擔保的,乙方可以提前行使質權?! hould the value of pledges is decreased, and the pledger fails to provide guarantee required by party b, party b can exercise the pledge right in advance.  (五)乙方可選擇下列方式之一實現(xiàn)質權:  party b can select any one of the following ways to realize the pledge right:  1.與出質人協(xié)議以質物折價受償;discount of pledges in agreement with pledger;  2.拍賣受償;auction of pledges;  3.變賣受償;sale of pledges;  4.法律允許的其他方式。other ways allowed by laws.  (六)甲方與乙方變更本合同(包括但不限于借款金額、期限、利率、結息方式、還款方式、還款期數(shù)、每期還款額),只要不加重出質人的責任,無須征得出質人同意,出質人仍對本合同項下的債務承擔擔保責任?! hen party b and party a change the contract(including, but not limited to, amount of loan, term of loan, interest rate, type of interest settlement, type of repayment, period of repayment, repayment amount for each period), there is no need to ask for approval of the pledger, and the pledger is still bear the responsibility of guarantee.  (七)出質人應將質物或質押權利憑證交乙方保管。甲方償還本合同項下的全部借款本金、利息及費用或出質人代甲方清償所擔保的債權,乙方應將質物及其相關證明文件返還出質人。  the pledger shall provide to party b the evidence certificates, after confirmation of party b, and all certificates shall be kept by party b. when party a pays off the principal, interest and expenses for the whole loan under this contract, or the pledger pays off the guaranteed security instead of party a, party b shall return the pledges and relevant certificates to the pledger.  三、保證擔保 guarantee  (一)本合同的保證方式為連帶責任保證?! he guarantee form under this contract is joint liability assurance.  (二)保證人保證擔保的范圍:  1.本合同項下的借款本金、利息(含復利)、罰息;  2.違約金、賠償金、補償金;  3.為實現(xiàn)債權和質權而支付的費用(包括但不限于因違約方發(fā)生的律師費)。  (三)保證人保證責任的保證期間自本合同生效之日起,至本合同項下債務履行期限屆滿之日起兩年。  the guarantee period is two years, from the day when the contract becomes effective till the expiring day of liability fulfillment term under this contract.  (四)在借款期內,保證人發(fā)生被宣告破產(chǎn)、被依法撤銷、解散、資不抵債等喪失擔保資格和能力的變故時,保證人應及時通知乙方,甲方應提供新的擔保?! ithin the term of loan, should the guarantor be declared bankrupt or be  dissolved, or under insolvency to lose qualification of guarantee and ability, the  guarantor should notify party b in time, and party should provide a new guarantee.  第九條其他權利與義務article 9 miscellaneous rights and obligations  一、甲方保證提供的申請借款文件是真實、有效、合法的,并接受乙方的監(jiān)督和檢查。  9.1 party a shall ensure the loan application data are complete, true, valid and  legal, and cooperate with party a to investigate, censor and check the data.  二、甲方應定期或隨時應乙方要求,向乙方提供真實反映甲方財務狀況或收入情況的文件或證明。  9.2 at regular time or any time requested by party b, party a should provide  the documents or certificates reflecting truly the financial status or income of  party a.  三、本合同履行期間,甲方單位、住所、聯(lián)系方式等發(fā)生變化,應在變化發(fā)生后十日內通知乙方?! ?.3 within period of this contract, should any changes occur in company, address, contact way of party a, he shall inform party b within ten (10) days after the changes.  四、甲方不得挪用借款。甲方借款不用于購買或退掉本合同約定的商品或服務,應按提前還款與乙方結算,否則,視為改變借款用途挪作他用。  9.4 party a shall not use the loan funds for other purpose than that prescribed  under this contract. if party a does not use the loan on the agreed purpose under this contract, he should clear the loan with party b ahead of schedule, otherwise, party a shall be treated as misappropriate use of loan.  五、本合同履行期間,擔保人發(fā)生或可能發(fā)生影響其擔保能力的變化,甲方應當在變化發(fā)生的五日內書面通知乙方并應當在十日內提供新的、符合乙方要求的擔?;蛘卟扇∫曳秸J可的補救措施?! ?.5 within period of this contract, should any changes happens or may happen  to the guarantor that influence his guaranteeing ability, party a should notify  party b in written way within five (5) days after the changes and provide a new  guarantee complying with requirement of party b or take any remedial measures approved by party b within ten (10) days.  六、甲方應當按照乙方的要求投保保險并以乙方為保險的優(yōu)先受償人。本合同履行期間,甲方不得中斷、撤銷保險?! ?.6 party a shall be responsible for handling the attorney service, registry,  insurance, notarization, evaluation etc related to the contract and all expenses.  七、本合同項下的按揭律師服務費、保險費、評估費、公證費等費用按照相關規(guī)定或由甲乙雙方協(xié)商承擔?! 〉谑畻l 違約責任article 10 default liability  一、發(fā)生下列情況之一即構成違約:  10.1 fault liability occurs in case any one of the following situations happens:  (一)甲方改變借款用途;party a changes the purpose of the loan;  (二)甲方違反本合同約定,逾期或未按約定的金額歸還借款本息;  party a breaches the contract, failing to repay the funds on due date or failing to pay funds in full;  (三)甲方提供的證明、資料等文件有虛假、非法的情況;  the certificates and materials provided by party a are fake or illegal;  (四)甲方死亡、被宣告死亡、被宣告失蹤、喪失民事行為能力后無繼承人、受遺贈人、財產(chǎn)代管人、監(jiān)護人或者其繼承人、受遺贈人、財產(chǎn)代管人、監(jiān)護人拒絕履行本合同;  party a is deceased, declared disappearance or death, no heirs, donatee, property keeper, guardian after losing the capacity of civil conduct, or his heir, donatee, property keeper, guardian refuses to fulfill this contract;  (五)合同履行期間,抵押人擅自處分抵押物,或者抵押人的行為足以使抵押物價值減少,乙方要求恢復原狀、提供擔保遭拒絕;  within the period of the contract, in case that the mortgager disposes  the property without approval of party b, or action of the mortgager can decrease the value of guaranty, party b is refused of restoring the property or provision of new guarantee.  (六)合同履行期間,甲方中斷、撤銷乙方要求投保的保險;  (七)保證人提供虛假財務報告或者拒絕乙方對其財務狀況進行監(jiān)督、檢查;  the guarantor provides false financial report or refuses the check and supervision of party b on his financial status.  (八)保證人違反本合同保證條款或喪失擔保能力甲方未能提供符合乙方要求的擔保;  the guarantor breaches the terms of this contract or loses the ability of  guarantee, and party a fails to provide the guarantee required by party b.  (九)甲方或擔保人其他可能影響歸還乙方貸款的行為?! ther actions from party a or the guarantor that may influence repayment of loan to party b.  二、發(fā)生違約情況時,乙方有權采取以下一種或多種措施:  10.2 in the event of default, party b has the right to take any one or a few  measures below:  (一)按中國人民銀行的規(guī)定計收罰息和復利;  calculate the penalty interest rate and compound interest as regulations of the people’s bank of china;  (二)要求甲方立即提前償還部分或全部借款,或以合法程序處分本合同項下的抵、質押物以清償全部借款和利息,或要求保證人履行保證責任;  dispose the guaranty under mortgage and/or pledge by law, to pay off  the total loan and relevant interest; require the guarantor to fulfill the guarantee liability;  (三)其他法律允許的措施。other measures allowed by law.  第十一條 公證article 11 notarization  11.1 if any party under this contract makes request of notarization, this contract  shall be notarized by notary organ, and party a shall be responsible for the  expense.  如任何一方提出對本合同進行公證,則由公證機關進行公證,公證費用由甲方承擔?! ?1.2 if party b requests the notarial deed of documents for creditor‘s rights with  force of compulsory execution, party a will agree that party b could apply to  issue the notarial deed with compulsory force with the notary organ. if party a  fails to pay off all loan principal, interest and relevant expense on due date,  party b could take the notarial deed directly to people‘s court with jurisdiction,  applying for compulsory enforcement, and any charges due to that will be paid  by party a. party a shall agree on the compulsory execution by law unconditionally, and give up all and every right to defense.  如果債權人要求對行使強制執(zhí)行權力進行公證,甲方將同意乙方向公證機關申請對該行為的公證。如果甲方未能對到期的借款本金、利息和其他相關費用予以償付,乙方可以向有管轄權的人民法院提交公證書,申請強制執(zhí)行,相關費用由甲方承擔。甲方應依照法律無條件接受該強制執(zhí)行并放棄抗訴權利。  第十二條 糾紛的解決article 12 dispute settlement  本合同履行中發(fā)生爭議,各方協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成,各方同意采取以下第_________種方式解決:  12.1 should any disputes happen in the process of performing the contract, all  parties shall resolve them through consultations, if no settlement is reached; either of the parties may go to law in the local people‘s court where party b lives.  第十三條 合同生效和終止article 13 taking effect and termination of contract  本合同自甲方簽字、乙方負責人或授權代理人簽字并加蓋公章之日起生效。擔保需要交付的,自質物或權利憑證交付乙方占有之日起生效。需要登記的,自辦妥登記之日起生效。至合同項下借款本息和相關費用全部清償完畢后終止?! ?3.1 the contract shall go into effect after signed by party a and responsible  person or the authorized representative of party b, and sealed with common seal and special seal for contract. and it will be terminated on the day that the whole loan principal from the party b under the contract has been paid off, including the principal, interests and relevant expenses. in case the guaranty needs to be delivered, the guaranty shall become effective upon delivery of document of title; in case that guaranty needs to be registered, the guaranty shall become effective upon settlement of registration.  第十四條 附則article 14 supplementary provisions  一、與本合同相關的文件,包括但不限于甲方向乙方提交的申請借款文件、資料、證明、憑證等,均為本合同的組成部分?! ?4.1 any documentation related to this contract, including but not limited to,  loan application documents, materials, certificates, etc. submitted to party b  from party a, shall be parts under this contract.  二、本合同份數(shù),詳見本合同第十四條第九款?! 〉谑鍡l 具體約定article 15 detailed provisions  一、本合同借款金額為人民幣_____________(大寫) ,___________(小寫) 。  15.1 the total amount of loan under this contract is: say ----rmb only, that is to say, --rmb.  二、本合同借款用于_____。15.2 the loan under this contact is used for study abroad.  三、本合同借款月利率為________‰。15.3 the monthly interest rate of loan under this contract is ‰.  四、本合同借款期限________月,自_______年_______月_____日起至________年______月________日止。還款總期數(shù)為_________期?! he term of loan under this contract is -----months, from---to ----. total  repayment periods are ------times.  五、賬戶名稱: 賬號: 開戶行  15.5 name of account a: account number:  account opening bank: china citic bank  六、甲方選擇的還款方式為_____________。每期還款日為_____________。甲方在乙方開立還款賬戶,賬戶一名稱:_____________,賬號:_____________;賬戶二名稱:_____________,賬號:______________?! ?5.6 the interest calculation type chosen by party a is calculation by day.  interest is settled by month, the loan principal and interest will be repaid by the  below way: interest will be paid off by month, principal will be repaid on due day,  monthly paid interest is -----rmb, the repayment day is-----of each month.  party a shall open a repayment account at party b, with name account a:----account  number:--------and name account b: __  __, account number:  ___________________  the overdue penalty interest rate shall be overcharging 50% based on the interest rate stipulated in this contract, and penalty interest rate for misappropriate use shall be overcharging 100% based on the interest rate stipulated in this contract.  七、違約金為_____。penalty: this contract shall be free of penalty.  八、本合同借款的擔保方式為__________?! he guarantee type for the loan of this contract shall be house property  mortgage.  九、本合同一式_____份,甲、乙方各________份?! his contract shall be made in quadruplicate, having the same legal effect,  each for party a, party b, real estate bureau and party b.  第十六條 其他約定事項article 16 other provisions  本貸款合同的英文版本僅供參考。如果中英文版本有表達歧義,則以作為中文為準?! he english version of this loan contract is for reference only. if there is any  inconsistency between the chinese and english versions of this contract, the  chinese version shall prevail for all purposes.  甲方(簽字):party a (signature):  乙方(公章):party b (common seal/ special contract seal):  乙方負責人(簽字):responsible or authorized representative of party b(signature):  抵押人(簽字):mortgager (signature):  出質人(簽字):pledger (signature):  保證人(公章):guarantor (seal):  保證人法定代表人(簽字):  responsible or authorized representative of guarantor (seal):  ______年______月_____日 date:
历史| 永年县| 稷山县| 莱阳市| 梅州市| 明水县| 青铜峡市| 海淀区| 三穗县| 杭锦后旗| 泗洪县| 金沙县| 响水县| 黑龙江省| 琼中| 阳山县| 汤原县| 棋牌| 吉隆县| 炉霍县| 双辽市| 宁海县| 北安市| 黎城县| 岳阳县| 新田县| 辽阳县| 晋城| 泽州县| 凤山市| 离岛区| 桐庐县| 中山市| 高州市| 台州市| 宣恩县| 芦山县| 北安市| 两当县| 镇宁| 房产|