
好獵頭網(wǎng)-中高級人才獵頭網(wǎng)站!服務(wù)熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊


添加時間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
瀏覽次數(shù): 0
_________公司,注冊地在中國上海_________(以下稱寄售人),與_________公司,注冊地在_________(以下稱代售人),按下列條款簽訂本協(xié)議:  1.寄售人將不斷地把_________(貨物)運交給代售人代售。貨物價格為市場cif市價,約隔90天運交一次。

  寄售人(簽字):_________   代售人(簽字):_________
  _________年____月____日     _________年____月____日
consige agreement
  this agreement is entered into between _________ co. (hereinafter referred to as the consignor), having its registered office at _________, shanghai, china and _________ co. (hereinafter referred to as the consignee), having its registered office at_________, on the following terms and conditions:
  1.the consignor shall from time to time ship _________ (commodity) to the consignee on consignment basis at the prevailing international market prices on cif terms. the interval between each shipment shall be approximately ninety days.
  2.the consignee must try to sell the consignments at the best possible prices after obtaining the approval of the consignor as to price, terms, etc.
  3.each shipment by ship at the initial stage will not exceed u.s.d._________ and the outstanding liabilities on the consignee shall be in the vicinity of not more than u.s.d. _________ only.
  4.the consignor shall at no time be responsible for any bad debts arising out of credit sales to any _________ buyers. making payments to the consignor shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the consignee.
  5.the consignee shall accept the bills of exchange drawn by the consignor on him at 90 days''sight with interest payable at _________ % per annum.
  6.the consignee shall collect the shipping documents including b/l from the consignor''s bank against trust receipt duly signed by the consignee.
  7.the consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.
  8.the consignor shall observe the regulations of the government of _________.
  9.this agreement is written in english, in two originals; each party retains one copy.
  as a token of acceptance, both parties have set their respective hands on this _________ day of _________ ,_________ with understanding and knowledge of the contents stated hereinabove.
the consignor(signature):_________   the consignee(signature):_________
date:_________                         date:_________
荥阳市| 吴川市| 略阳县| 崇义县| 岱山县| 道孚县| 塔河县| 晋州市| 双牌县| 吉林省| 永平县| 绵竹市| 通榆县| 泉州市| 左权县| 通海县| 渑池县| 台前县| 黔江区| 老河口市| 疏附县| 板桥市| 乐陵市| 建宁县| 延边| 甘肃省| 凉山| 栾川县| 崇左市| 德惠市| 潜山县| 闽清县| 崇州市| 兴文县| 建瓯市| 丹凤县| 温宿县| 久治县| 将乐县| 镇沅| 扎鲁特旗|