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Television presenter resume





Hosted several events for companies, radio stations and the university, familiar with the process and content of hosting work with cheerful and amiable character, loving to host



XX.09 - XX.06

Bachelor of arts in broadcasting and hosting

Scholarship: the second prize scholarship, ranking: top 15%:

New host competition

Awards: jobs university new host contest's top 8 contestant

Host/assistant relavant experience

xx tv station happy forward show

XX.01 - XX.05

outdoor host (inern)

interviewed contestants, including inquiring basic information, goals and etc

understood their expertise in advance, interacted with players, ensured entertainment effects

college welcome party

XX.03 - XX.07

writing script

writed scripts, including party opening remarks, the program introduces and conclusion

discussed activity sequencing, made program list and assisted hosting work in party

recording programs

participated in recording entertainment news show "entertainment twenty"

XX.04 - XX.05

participated in recording musical entertainment programs "waves-everybody sing"

XX.11 - XX.02

Other experience
responsible for sending and receiving faxes, document printing and copying

XX.09 - XX.06
responsible for archiving paperwork and data

XX.11 - XX.02

mandarin proficiency test certificate, 1st grade, b level

cet-4 (530)

national computer rank examination certificate, level 2 (access)

Hobbies:singing, dancing & traveling.

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