
好獵頭網(wǎng)-中高級人才獵頭網(wǎng)站!服務(wù)熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊


添加時(shí)間:2017-11-26 23:59:50
瀏覽次數(shù): 0
  │ 設(shè)備名稱  │ 品牌 │ 型號 │ 數(shù)量 │ 維修服務(wù) │  合計(jì)  │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
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  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │ 合計(jì)                                │

  自年_________月_________日始, 至_________年_________月_________日止;
  甲方:_________            乙方:_________  
  授權(quán)代表(簽字):_________      授權(quán)代表(簽字):_________  
  附件:maintenance&repair service bargaincustomer(party a):_________supplier(party b):_________  1、facilities & service
  │ facilities │ brand │ model │amount│ service fee│totally   │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │      │    │    │   │      │      │
  │ totally:                             │

  2、service period
  from:_________(month)_________(day)_________(year) to:_________(month)_________(day)_________(year)  3、payment terms
  (1)serving the expenses to pay year, pay first, and then the service
  (2)other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paid by party a to party b in 5 effective working days。  4、service content
 ?。?)part b should give the machines regular inspects once per one month.
 ?。?)during the contract period, party b should timely repair the normal stoppage on-the-site after receiving the service-call from party a;
 ?。?)party b would supply consumables to party a with preferential price and provide door-to-door service free of charge.  5、exclusions
  party b would also supply party a with satisfied service under the following circumstance, but payment should be charged correspondingly:
 ?。?)disobey the direction of operation manual by the users;
  (2)damages in transportation and preservation by customer himself;
  (3)damages caused by fire, water flood, earthquakes, unsteady of power and other natural disasters;
 ?。?)party a disassembles the machine and spare parts by himself;
 ?。?)breakdown caused by fake consumable and spare parts provided by other companies;
 ?。?)party a failed to provide effective original of this contract.  6、breach
 ?。?)party a has the right to terminate the contract and claim the service fee back in the condition party b fails to execute this contract and influence the normal work of party a;
 ?。?)party b should compensate and repair the equipment due to the damage caused by himself;
 ?。?)party b has the right to terminate the contract and claim the payment owed by party a if party a does not fully execute the clause 3 of this contract;
  (4)this contract would be automatically terminated in the condition the damages caused of repair, maintenance, dissemble etc. by the third party permitted by party a.  7、note
 ?。?)"working hours" mentioned above means any hour during 9:00am-17:00pm in every legal working day;
 ?。?)any information alternation of party a, such as name, address, telephone, contact, etc. should inform party b in time, otherwise the benefit of party a would be damaged;
  (3)party a should afford all expenses occurred on the way when party b provides service outside shanghai downtown;
 ?。?)the warranty made by party b in this contract would become ineffective if party a transfer the equipment to any other third party;
 ?。?)other issues which should be negotiated before signature added as appendix in clause 9, the appendix has the same effectiveness to the other conditions of this contract;
 ?。?)the service fee mentioned above only includes the serviced in clause 4, not include the cost of spare parts and consumables.  8、appendix
  both parties concerned have negotiated all conditions above, and any other oral requirement can not influence the effectiveness of this contract.party a:_________          party b:_________authorized(signature):_________    authorized(signature):_________
台南市| 方山县| 文山县| 通化市| 石河子市| 灵寿县| 锡林浩特市| 凯里市| 清水河县| 兰州市| 九龙城区| 普宁市| 伊金霍洛旗| 资溪县| 剑阁县| 元谋县| 广德县| 万载县| 广德县| 福建省| 佳木斯市| 桂林市| 奉节县| 汝南县| 开封县| 河东区| 通许县| 南召县| 嘉定区| 淮南市| 浏阳市| 德令哈市| 库尔勒市| 成都市| 门源| 南部县| 敦煌市| 浠水县| 西乡县| 兴山县| 波密县|